Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Louisiana

Executrix Being Harrassed by Legatees

I am the Executrix of Mother's succession. Since Mother died, my brothers and sisters have done or assisted in doing the following: Hiding the original will, distributing Mother's personal effects without allowing inventory or equitable distribution, accusing me of theft of one of Mother's dogs that I took home with me one night because it was ill, moving $12,400 from Mothers personal checking account into a secondary account in their names and refusing to account for the money, withholding Mother's medical bills, giving collection agencies my work phone number, calling my office and telling co-workers that I am being investigated by the Federal Government for this and that (I have never even had a speeding ticket), calling my home using profanity and threats, E-Mailing me at work, using profanity and threats, mailing written letters to my home and place of business using profanity and threats. So far, they have cost a loss to the Succession of approximately $15,000 in legal fees, etc. Not to mention the $12,400. they already helped themselves to. What are my legal rights as Executrix and Legatee in such a situation?

Asked on 4/08/02, 4:04 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Andrew Casanave Andrew M. Casanave

Re: Executrix Being Harrassed by Legatees

I suggest that you consult an attorney immediately.

There is a strong possibility that you can recover on behalf of the estate what the other heirs took.

Further, they are increasing your ability to gain more of the estate as fees and expenses of the executor.

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Answered on 4/08/02, 5:55 pm
Steve LeBlanc Steve LeBlanc, Ltd., (APLC)

Re: Executrix Being Harrassed by Legatees

Has this succession been opened? What is your attorney doing about this if the succession has been opened? If the succession has not been opened, it needs to be opened immediately and you quailified and recognized as administratrix or executrix of the succession.

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Answered on 4/08/02, 7:28 pm

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