Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Louisiana

Heirs rights

My mother died in 2001. She and her second husband had a pre nup agreement, what was hers was hers and his was his, no community property. She purchased 4 cemetery plots with her money in her name during her marriage. She is buried in one. Her second husband has bought a head stone that covers her plot and half of the next one. He is claiming the plots as his.He is saying if we do anything with the plots he will have her dug up and moved. Can he claim the plots, and can he have her moved without our( her children) permission?

Asked on 4/15/02, 9:34 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steve LeBlanc Steve LeBlanc, Ltd., (APLC)

Re: Heirs rights

I suggest you talk to the cemetary and the attorney who did your mother's succession.

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Answered on 4/15/02, 10:00 am

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