Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Louisiana

My husband and i bought a mobil home in 2007 before we married .We got married in 2008 an he died in2010 am i intitled t half of the notes back from the time we were married

Asked on 8/23/10, 7:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Amanda Mandi Lucas Mandie Seale Lucas

I'm not sure that I understand what you are asking. Was the mobile home purchased in both your names? Are you asking if you are entitled to inherit the mobile home? Did he leave a will?

The mobile home should be yours if both name were on the title. You are entitled to usufruct over this type of property unless the will dictates otherwise. If the mobile home was in his name only, and he left no will, it will probably go to the heir unless you show equal payments to pay for the house, then it should be considered communty and again you would have usufruct. You need to bring all of your paperwork to a succession attorney.

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Answered on 8/29/10, 6:21 am

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