Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Louisiana

What right does my husband have to his fathers life insurance and socialsecurity cause his wife of only 8 mths took it all after his father told her to give my husband and his brother 25,000 dollars a piece. She told me herself that he told her that and she chose not to but to give our kids 10,000 a piece in a fund for college which we have yet to see or even know where she has it everytime we ask she says its lock for 5 years and she cant touch it. We called the life insurance company and they lied to us saying his father didn't have a policy with them even thow we know he did. She said she got 50,000 at first then she got 100,000 and paid medical bills which we know she didn't. Is there anything we can do.A family friend who is an attourney told us she was entitled to give half of everything to my husband and his brother due to they wasn't married a year or more is that true?

Asked on 8/09/11, 4:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Amanda Mandi Lucas Mandie Seale Lucas

Life insurance goes to the beneficiary. If the estate was the beneficiary, and there was no will, his wife will get use of all movable property which can be used up and over all real property but which can not be sold without agreement by the heirs.

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Answered on 8/23/11, 6:11 pm

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