Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Louisiana

In the sate of Louisiana, what is a general idea of cost of administering a small estate of $250 thousand with real estate? How hard would it be to get a judge to take court cost from the estate. There are 2 brother's and one inherited almost every thing and it seems unfair for the brother getting very little to have to pay court costs out of his share.

Asked on 1/08/12, 6:09 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Charlton Ogden Taggart Morton, LLC

The cost of administration will depend on whether the estate needs administration during the succession, or whether the heirs can be put in possession without administration - the legal fees fanc court costs for such would be somewhere around 4-5k - the estate would be responsible for the costs, with the heirs getting their net inheritance after accounting for such

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Answered on 1/09/12, 8:19 am

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