Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Maryland

falsified police reports

i was wondering if it was against the law or against any rules when a police officer knowingly writes a false report. i was involved in an incident where the police were called and a police officer asked me questions about a specific individual. he asked me one thing in particular and said that depending upon what i said he could charge the person with worse. he said if i said one thing... that he would be charged greatly. and whatever else i said that there was really not much that could happen. i told the truth and told him that it was definetly not what he was trying to get me to say. but that was how it was written. now this person is in a lot of trouble and it is from something that was written falsely.

Asked on 11/18/02, 7:22 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Sheldon G. Bardach Law Offices of Sheldon G. Bardach

Re: falsified police reports

It is a crime both for a citizen or an officer to file a false report of crime. You should take this up with his supervisor, or if you get know support there, contact the District Attorney's Office, or the Public Prosecutor, if that is what you have in your community, and report this incident immediately.

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Answered on 11/19/02, 2:26 pm
Michael Worsham Michael C. Worsham, Esq.

Re: falsified police reports

False police reports are illegal regardless of who makes them. However, the person with a potential cause of action is your friend that you indicate is now being falsely charged.

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Answered on 11/18/02, 9:32 pm

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