Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Maryland


According to my credit report, there is a civil lawsuit filed against me by a former daycare provider because my ex-husband didn't pay the daycare costs. The last contract that was signed with her for daycare was done so by my ex-husband. I have to assume that she is suing me because she didn't know where to find my ex. The lawsuit was filed in late 1999 or early 2000. I have not received any notification of this lawsuit from anybody. I only know about it because I checked my credit report. How long does my former daycare provider have to notify me about this? What should I do to protect myself and property from this suit? Can I find out if the suit still exists? Can I get a copy of the lawsuit without contacting her or her attorney? I do know that she has moved out of the state. I wouldn't know how to find her.

Asked on 5/22/01, 1:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Worsham Michael C. Worsham, Esq.

Re: Judgements

1. You can try assuming you were sued in your own County, and try searching the Maryland District Court database. You can also ask the Clerks in the Circuit Court for your County if they will help you find out about the suit. You can also check with the Clerk for the District Court for help. 2. Write the credit reporting agency, telling them briefly your story, and ask for the address of the person who reported the suit, and also, that this item should be removed from your credit report. Make it clear you are disputing this item, and the credit reporting agency is required by law to investigate. 3. If you were never served with the suit, their is no personal service and the suit is no longer valid. - Michael Worsham,

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Answered on 6/26/01, 10:41 pm

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