Legal Question in Criminal Law in Maryland
I have to go to court on August 6th, 2010 for a shop lifting charge.....I am a Bi-Polar & a manic husband has had a major stroke, I had to resign from my job to be his care-giver, & when this incident happened on May 26th 2010 I had been without my 5 anti-deprassants since the the last week of February 2010...NO HEALTH OR PRESCRIPTION INSURANCE to be able to get my medicines. I am a totally mentally not stable person & I did this terrible thing like I was in another person's was less than $16.00.....the other person pressed charges & the officer who came (is a friend) tried to talk to him over & over to drop the charges....this man says he is a christian man(& he is), but he told a another friend that called him on my behalf (another police officer) that he would see what happens in court. I have so-o-o-o much I am carrying (burdens) on myself right now. There are ALOT of things that I just can not bring out in a court room of people to hear about myself. My question is: Is it ever possible for a person to be able to request to meet with the judge a few days before going to court to explain EVERYTHING that is personal, private, & confidential about past ( i was sexually molested from the ages of 9-12) & hid it so deep that when I went into counseling 8 years ago, I was a TOTALLY MESS & so much had to come out for me to heal & forgive .....the same sernario happened 8 years ago as it happened on this May 26th.....that is when my husband had his first major stroke & I had to stop working for a year....again, NO MEDICAL OR PRESCRIPTION INSURANCE, & went a long time without my medicines & was out of control....that is when I first went into counseling for some time. I went back today to the Health Department to get help, counseling, to see a psychiatrist, & get back on my anti-depressants. I start working with a psychiatrist this Friday (July 16th, 2010) so she can get me back on my meds., immediately, & then after 2-3 sessions with her, I will start my sessions with a counselour. You see, there is so-o-o-o- much the judge needs to know about me....that I just CAN NOT bring up in a public court room. So, my question, again, is: Is it possible for myself to request to talk to the judge a few days before I go to court? Should I wait until that day to be ask if I want a Public Defender (because I CAN NOT afford a private lawyer)? Should I try to represent myself? Right now I am scared to death, full of worry, & so full of fear!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, I would so deeply appreciate it if one of your lawyers could e-mail me back with some correct answers. Again, PLEASE, PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!! Please give me some answers to my questions, PLEASE!!!!! Thank you from the deepest part of my heart....God Bless!!! Username: Pam
1 Answer from Attorneys
I believe that your question is better answered through discussion with an attorney. You may benefit by contacting various agencies for other matters. Contact my office should you need assistance or guidance.
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