Legal Question in Criminal Law in Maryland

Getting a Criminal Case Dismissed

I had court today for some false criminal charges brought upon me by some police officers. I did nothing wrong and the video surveillance that I have proves this. The officers did not show up in court and I wanted to the case to be thrown out, but the judge said no because I didn�t have an attorney. I was granted a Continuance. I was wondering could I get a Motion to Dismiss? What are my chances?

Asked on 9/10/08, 5:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jason Cleckner Law Office of Jason Cleckner, LLC

Re: Getting a Criminal Case Dismissed

You are likely not going to get this dismissed out of court, BUT get a lawyer ASAP to make sure this is dismissed IN court. Even if you are not guilty, a lot of prosecutors will try to get a conviction just to win and help their career.

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Answered on 9/11/08, 10:23 am

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