Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
child custody
I would liketo know how I would go about getting custody of my grandchildren and how much it will cost and who i can contact.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: child custody
It is unlikely that a grandparent can gain custody of a grandchild unless both of the parents are shown to be unfit parents or unless the parents are willing to relinquish custody. It's impossible to say what the cost might be, since it depends on how much time is spent by a lawyer and what his hourly rates are. There is a $100.00 filing fee to be paid to the court when you file a complaint for custody. You will need a lawyer if you wish to try to get custody of your grandchildren. You can find a good lawyer in your area by asking friends who have had experience with lawyers who practice in the area of family law. You can also look at the Yellow Pages, but they only tell you who spends the most on advertising. You can look here, in Law Guru, and read answers which many Maryland lawyers have given to other people's questions,and look for someone in your part of the state who sounds like a lawyer you could work with.