Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
Im having a child with a girl im not with nor married to and she says shes moving to another state so I wouldnt be able to see my child is that legal? I have a great job and my own place witch she does not is it possible for me to take custody?
1 Answer from Attorneys
It is most unlikely that a court would give you custody of a newborn, although the law doesn't express a preference for either parent. However, you could go to court and file a petition acknowledging that you are the father and requesting visitation. The court might order her to remain nearby to facilitate your ability to see the child. The other outcome of such a procedure is that you will have to begin paying child support, but at least you will have some input into that if the case is before a local judge. Otherwise, once she establishes residency in another state (6 months) she can file for child support there.