Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
What happens after court ordered return to medeation?
We are the paternal grandparents of one minor child,her parents divorced and child resides with her mother.We have visitation through our son's visitation,every wednesday. A consent order has been in effect since 1999 and it further orders that all parties agree to return to medeation,when the child reaches the age of six. Now that this time is here and is scheduled, we are not clear on what the process is after the two hour conference and if anything is settled or cannot be ,does a hearing take place that day with a judge? None of the parties are represented this time. We would appreciate kowing what papers to file with the court, afterwards. We would greatly appreciate any response to this. Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What happens after court ordered return to medeation?
The purpose of mediation is to see if the differences between the parties can be resolved without having to go to trial. Let me say that if your son is going to seriously try and get custody away from the mother, he has a difficult fight and you should hire an experienced family law attorney immediately. If you are satisfied with the current arrangement, you could relate that to the court at mediation and there will be no need for a formal court hearing. You're required to file a mediation statement with the court-appointed mediator--there is a form for this that the clerk of the court should have sent you. This is where you indicate what your position is on the issues being submitted to mediation.
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