Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
Custody Question
Visitation denied/impared for 6 months, ok last 2
PAS & MMS actions happening
She has temporary sole custody
She has verbally harassed me
lied to child all the time
She may lose home due to bankruptcy filing
I have good stable home
primary caregiver for 3 out of 7 years
What are my chaces for custody?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Custody Question
No one can predict how an individual case will conclude because these cases are simply too fact specific and allow the judge much discretion.
You have as good of a chance as she does. You just need to show that it is in the child's best interest for you to have custody. There are a number of ways to show that the child is better off with you: 1) because you are more cooperative and would not interfere with her relationship with the child or her visitation; 2) you have a stable home while she can't even guarantee a roof of the child's head because she's too busy screwing up her finances; 3) she sabotages your relationship with the child and, therefore, hurts the child (NOT YOU!)....and these are just the ones you've mentioned. I'm sure if you talk with an attorney and give the attorney more history and facts you'd get a better idea as to whether it is worth pursuing. I always say if you really believe the kid's better off with you, then it can't hurt to try it.
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