Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland

Illegal move

My girlfriend is from california and moved to maryland when she became pregnant to live with me. Now our baby is six months and things are not working out. Can she legally take our child to california to live back with her mom without my permission?

Asked on 7/25/07, 1:46 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

G. Joseph Holthaus III Law Offices of G. Joseph Holthaus

Re: Illegal move

She can legally take the child anywhere unless you take action to stop her from doing so. Your choices are to file for custody in Maryland or follow her to California and file for custody there. Be well advised that she may seek to evade you anywhere she may go.

You can also file for visitation and this will likely result in child support being awarded to her since you will not be seeking custody. Again, she may seek to evade you.

If it is your intention to stay in Maryland and she is seeking to move to California then you need to take prompt action to acquire jurisdiction in Maryland.

Contact an attorney for immediate assistance if you plan to stay in Maryland and are not willing to travel back and forth to California for purposes of visitation.

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Answered on 7/25/07, 7:29 pm
Bill Wood Law Office of William C. Wood, LLC

Re: Illegal move

Since there is no court order regarding custody, she can take the child to California. However, since Maryland is the child's home state, you can file for custody here in Maryland.

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Answered on 7/25/07, 2:40 pm
Robert Sher Wagshal and Sher

Re: Illegal move

Until a court order is in place restricting where the child can live, either parent is free to take the child to another location. If you want to prevent this, you will have to file a petition establishing yourself as the father (a paternity action) and asking the court to award you either joint custody or visitation. You would ask that if she is granted physical custody, that she be required to live in this area so you can have effective visitation. Of course, the flip side of this is that if she is awarded custody, you will be ordered to pay monthly child support, assuming you are earning or capable of earning income.

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Answered on 7/25/07, 2:46 pm

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