Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
MAXIMUS -child support -my mother raises my child
My child is being raised by my mother. MAXIMUS wants money from both me and the child's mother, who is no longer in the picture, for child support. Why am I obligated to pay if my own family, and I am thankful for them, is raising the child since I reside overseas? Understandably, the mother should pay child support but Maximus says I should, too. Also, to get my license back they want me to pay $2000 in a lump sum. I have no job and no money and can't get a job without a license. They are being extremely lenient with the child's mother and allowing her to pay a ridiculously low amount, nowhere near $2000. Can a lawyer be useful in this kind of situation? Thanks in advance.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: MAXIMUS -child support -my mother raises my child
If your mother is raising the child, who is the custodial parent? If there is an order for child support, who is obligated? Apparently it's you b/c now they have you in arrears and took action against your driver's licence. But you also mention the mother having been assessed child spt. Did the parents give up custody to the g/mother? I assume is Md. If you are overseas, don't you think someone should be leading the charge here at home,never mind a lawyer, anyone!! But if it's a lawyer you want, they can be very resourceful in finding ways to alleviate the situation. Good luck.