Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
Needing information on legal gaurdianship
I would like to know what i would have to go through in order to get another parent to be my legal gaurdian. I have been through alot and it is okay with my biological parents to live with someone else. i just need to know what papers i need to get and what i will have to go through. also if you could e-mail the forms to me if you could
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Needing information on legal gaurdianship
There aren't any forms to fill out to do what you want. You will need to have papers filed in your local Circuit Court, and there may need to be a hearing. Legal guardianship and custody are actually not the same thing. It may be easiest to have prepared a "Stipulation and Consent" to a change of custody, which would have to be signed by your biological parents and the person who would become he custodian, if you have a particular person in mind who would be your guardian/custodian. I do think you should have an attorney handle this. You may be able to get some help from the Department of Social Services.