Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
Property Quesstions
If a piece of land is primarily deeded in my fathers name and he adds me to the deed in order for me to build a house on it - can my husband (who I have been seperated from for four years) come and take half the land?
Asked on 7/02/07, 10:38 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alton Drew
Alton Drew, LLC
Re: Property Quesstions
If the court can be persuaded that the property is separate property acquired by you as a gift, then the husband might not share in it. The opposite side of the argument is that the property was acquired during marriage. Although you are separated, you are still married and unless a separation agreement exists that states that property acquired during the separation is separate, he can make a claim.
Answered on 7/04/07, 7:11 pm