Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
To visit or not to visit?
Recently, my child's father and I have a court order for visitation. Her father has not complied with the order. The worst violation was last month when the father rode with my child for 4 hours without stopping or saying anything to her. Basically, my child is miserable visiting her father in New York. He has been absent from her life for 7 yrs. She is 8. Her next visit is this weekend, and I am contemplating not sending her to NY, which would be a violation of the order. Should I send her or not?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: To visit or not to visit?
You have to ask yourself whether you want to risk him filing a contempt petition against you and possibly retaliating by stopping his child support payments, albeit illegally. I suggest you write or phone him and discuss the situation, pointing out his daughter's unhappiness with the lack of interaction and whatever else is happening.