Legal Question in Family Law in Maryland
what can I do about visitation
I had a consent order to have free and liberal visitation with my daughter and now the mother will not let me see my daughter and has made false claims of child abuse. What are my rights. I have filed for sole custody will this go against the mother at the hearing?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: what can I do about visitation
When a judge must decide which parent should have custody of a child, the decision is based on what is in the best interest of the child. The judge will not award custody to one parent as a punishment to the other parent for some conduct, if in the final analysis the judge believes the child will be better off with the parent who presently has custody. That is not to say that denial of visitation would not be taken seriously. Judges view violations of court orders seriously, and will not hesitate to impose sanctions for their violations. And in a close case, such conduct could conceivably tip the balance in your favor.