Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Maryland
ive been told i have to appear in court for contempt. due to a car accident in which a friend of mine was driving my car and had an accident which hurt another individual. a judgement has already been entered and they have been garnishing my wages for over a year. why do I have to go to court now if they have already won the judgement against me. and what additional punishments may I face. Even if I had no idea of the accident and wasnt involved.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Good gracious. Hire a lawyer. You are getting trampled on by the judicial system. If you are found in contempt of a court order, you can certainly be thrown in jail as a result. Why risk that? Consult a Maryland criminal defense attorney IMMEDIATELY.
Hello. Your post seems to involve a civil (rather than criminal) area of law, although disobeying a court order in a civil case can put one at risk for jail.
After a judgment gets enrolled, the plaintiff can seek discovery in aid of enforcement, which can include ordering you to appear and answer questions about your income and assets. It doesn't matter if the plaintiff already has collected some of the judgment or not. Although you didn't mention being served with any orders to appear or produce discovery, it seems likely that such would have been filed. As with any court order, disobeying the order brings a risk of being found in contempt.
The suggestion to retain a lawyer is a good one. The law does exempt certain property from garnishment / collection, but in this state you need to take measures to actively raise these exemptions. Because the law has very strict timelines, I encourage you to do this right away.