Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in Maryland

My grandmother had a stroke in 2000. She suffers from total paralysis on her right side. She enter the hospital due to an UTI. She ended with a fractured hip. The hospital took responsibility and claim to not know how her hip got fractured. She under went surgery because the doctor felt placing a rod would relieve some of her pain on the paralyzed side. She's now suffering from an infection, bone deep, due to the metal rod they felt was necessary to place inside her. The hospital has done 5 surgeries so far, to repair and remove the rod. She's left with an open wound that the surgeon can not seem to close. The metal rod has caused an infection that has become bone deep, due to the hostipals negligence for prolonging when surgery could be performed. I'm checking to see if we have a ground for a legal suit against the hospital and the surgeon? Please advise.

Asked on 9/29/16, 4:44 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James P Koch Law Offices of James P. Koch

Most likely, the fractured hip is the result of a fall, which the hospital's nursing staff should have prevented. The infection which you describe could be osteomyelitis, which is a serious bone infection. This case merits investigation because there may well be grounds for a law suit against the hospital. Feel free to call to discuss this matter.

James P Koch

Tel. 410 539 7816

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Answered on 9/29/16, 7:46 pm

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