Legal Question in Personal Injury in Maryland

My husband was injured as a passenger in an auto accident while on the job,his coworker was driving and was at fault. My husband was only able to persue workmans comp for damages.Which did not amount to much. My husband had to have steel plates and screws in his pelvis and will never really be the same as he was prior. I suffered a great emotional distress as I was 9 months pregnant at the time and my husband had to miss the birth of our child because he was recovering in the hospital from surgery caused by the accident. Not to mention what we went through after our childs birth, both of us trying to recover with a newborn. Do I have the right to sue this person? I am still having trouble dealing with the what happened. Thanks.

Asked on 9/18/09, 4:23 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

Denese Dominguez Law Office of Denese Dominguez, LLC

You do not mention how long ago this happened, but you may still have a right to sue. You should discuss this with an attorney in your area. If you do not know of any, feel free to contact me and I will give you some names.


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Answered on 9/23/09, 4:41 pm
Robert Sher Wagshal and Sher

MD law does permit such a suit as long as it happened here or the company was based here in MD. However, the problem is that the co-worker is in all likelihood not covered by his personal insurance for this accident, since it happened in the course of his employment. But he may be covered by the employer's vehicle liability policy. If the accident happened within the past 3 years, you should contact an attorney immediately. I've handled a number of such cases so if I can be of further assistance feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 9/23/09, 5:10 pm
David Waranch Law Offices of David R. Waranch, LLC

Sure, you may be able to recover damages from his co-worker's negligence. As the other attorneys said, this must have happened within the past 3 years.

I would be happy to review the case for you free of charge.

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Answered on 9/23/09, 5:59 pm
Alan Horwitz Ingerman & Horwitz, LLP

you should thoroughly check out all your options, including additional workers' compensation benefits. Please visit our website at "",, if you think we can help you, please, email me at your phone number and best time to reach you and i will be happy to discuss the matter with you

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Answered on 9/24/09, 9:38 am

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