Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Maryland

Need Attorney - Real Estate - No Income

Hi ,

Sister slanders brother. Both Sister and Brother own house as co-owners, only Brother lives at house. Sister refuses to co-sign for Home Equity Loan.

Want to sue Sister for her half of house plus $20,000 in damages plus lawyer fees. How?

Asked on 6/10/02, 3:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alton Drew Alton Drew, LLC

Re: Need Attorney - Real Estate - No Income

It sounds like you want to sue for slander and punish your sister by getting her out of the house. You may be under the impression that this is the most lucrative way to go when quite frankly it may end up costly for you especially if you have no income. If you are not getting along with your sister then take the high road and make her an offer for her half. Slander has a number of elements that you have to show before a court will grant you an award. What did she say? How were you harmed? Were her words truthful but you took offense? Try to negotiate a parting with her first and get to the bottom of your differences. Claiming slander and trying to litigate it is not as glamorous as what you read in a tabloid.

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Answered on 6/10/02, 3:22 pm

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