Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Maryland

A week ago I gave my dog away. I didn�t want to- my husband gave me an ultimatum that was impossible for me to meet. So, I reluctantly gave my dog to a friend of a friend. I�ve had the dog for almost two years and me and my four yr old are very attached. This past week has been terrible for us without our dog, Frankie. My husband realized it was wrong for him to put me in that position and told me I could keep the dog and we�d work it out. Now the people I gave the dog to don�t want to give him back. I thought they would understand (having 2 dogs prior to mine) how much this dog means to us. Any pet owner knows they are much like your own children. Do I have any �leg to stand on� as far as the law is concerned? I paid $400.00 for Frankie originally and have paid hundreds in vet bills. I don�t know if I even have the slightest bit of law on my side, if just letting them know I am willing to contact a lawyer would just prompt them to give him back. Please help! My son keeps asking when Frankie is coming home and it�s breaking my heart. I hate that my husband has put us all in this situation and I just want to right this wrong. Thank you in advance for your time,

Nicole Lynn

Asked on 6/14/10, 7:31 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Sher Wagshal and Sher

I'm sorry to tell you that, legally, you made an unconditional gift of Frankie, and you have no grounds for getting him back. But that shouldn't stop you from appealing to these people on a personal basis. Let them know that you made a terrible mistake and your son is heartbroken without Frankie. Maybe you could offer an inducement--if they would like to adopt a shelter dog, you will pay the adoption fees, shots, etc. If that doesn't change their minds, they shouldn't be pet owners!

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Answered on 6/14/10, 10:54 am

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