Legal Question in Workers Comp in Maryland
How does appeal effect Hearing Comm decision?
I won a WC claim a few months ago before a hearing Commissioner.I have recieved partial disability payments and Commissioner ordered Ins Co to pay medical.Now Ins. Co has appealed it. I am trying to recover lost time from my employer but no one seems to know if this is legal due to pending appeal. What effect does a pending appeal have on an already made decision?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: How does appeal effect Hearing Comm decision?
The two matters are independent of each other; however, Maryland allows liberal pleading in such matters and the skill of an attorney is suggested. I handle worker compensation cases.
Re: How does appeal effect Hearing Comm decision?
An appeal from a Worker's Compensation decision only effects that part of the decision appealed. So if the appeal is on medical bills, then it does not effect temporary total disability. However, an appeal is to the Circuit Court, I do not advise handling an appeal without the aid of a lawyer. The rules of evidence are different in the Circuit Court. My office handles Worker's Compensation Appeals.