Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Massachusetts

Charge Card Debt

I have a charge card debt that I have been working with the bank with to reach a payoff figure. We agreed on an amount, and a monthly payment to be made in 4 consecutive months, and I thought it was settled. They called this AM with different payment dates, the first having to be at the end of this month, instead of the 3rd of next month. That is impossible, as I have a SS check that comes in on the 3rd, and have no money available to me until then. They cancelled the payoff amount, saying they were opting for a writeoff. Can I just simply start sending then the amount I can afford a month, and will that keep the account from being placed in a Collection Agency?

Asked on 8/22/08, 1:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

: Charge Card Debt

Unless there is an agreement in writing, you are not in a good position. Call and speak to the person with whom you made th4e first deal, and get it in writing. YOU HAVE NO AGREEMENT!

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Answered on 8/22/08, 1:56 pm

Re: Charge Card Debt

If the card is in default, the company can send it off to a collection agency absent an agreement to the contrary.

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Answered on 8/30/08, 9:11 pm

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