Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Massachusetts

government collection

I was involved in and involuntarily terminated from a military scholarship program in 2002.

Monies where paid on my behalf before this time for education.

In 2002, I also received my final discharge papers with no notice of repayment of monies.

In 2007 I received notice of a ''Government Overpayment'' adverse report on my credit report.

I inquired and found that DFAS is now trying to collect this debt supposedly owed from 2002.

DFAS has since taken the adverse statement off my credit report as I disputed the validity of the debt and the manner of which it was placed.

I have made no payments and still contend that the debt is invalid and have been arguing this point for the past year.

My question is: If the debt is eventually proven to be valid would I have a statute of limitations argument considering the debt should have originated upon termination of a military/scholarship contract back in 2002 about 6 years ago.

Asked on 6/03/08, 10:39 am

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: government collection

The statute of limitations with respect to an action upon a contract in Massachusetts is 6 years. Without reviewing the nature and terms of your alleged obligation, it is impossible to ascertain whether Massachusetts statute of limitations governs.

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Answered on 6/12/08, 12:18 pm

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