Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

3 year warrant

in 02 i was charged with use w/o authority of a motor vehicle because i was late on my car payment and the dealer reported stolen (i was unaware that they did this). I was ordered to pay $500.00 for damage to car, placed on administrative probation for 6 months. At the same time this happened the DSS along with travelers aid moved me and my children to another state due to domestic violence. My atty informed the judge of this and I also had to get permission to travel. After arriving in new state we were in a shelter and it took me a while to get on my feet. I was unable to pay the $500.00 w/in the 6 months and a warrant was issued. I would like to get this straightend out but am afraid to return to MA due to the DV issue but was told that in order to get the warrant lifted i had to come back. Any advise on the best way to handle this? I need to get this resolved.

Asked on 12/29/06, 12:17 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

Re: 3 year warrant

At some point you are going to have to resolve the warrant. To do this, you must return to court and ask the court to remove the warrant. You should have with you, at a minimum, documents related to the movement - DSS.

It would be helpful if you sought the services of an attorney who could contact the probation department and try to resolve as much as possible in advance of your arrival to the court.

It would also be helpful if you had the money, and possibly also about $150 for a default removal fine, if imposed.

Should you need help in this matter, contact me.

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Answered on 12/29/06, 12:25 pm
Dmitry Lev The Lev Law Firm

Re: 3 year warrant

Depending on what court this is in, or the judge, it may be possible, though not very likely, to clear this up without your appearance. What court is this?

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Answered on 12/29/06, 2:38 pm
Martha Kovner Law Offices of Martha J. Kovner

Re: 3 year warrant

In most cases, you need to personally appear to clear up the warrant. If you have documentation regarding the DV and the fact that you had to leave the state on account of it and it would be a danger for you return then an attorney might be able to deal with the issue without you. Please contact an attorney who can go to the court and work for you. Which court is it? Please contact me further. Martha Kovner

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Answered on 12/29/06, 11:41 pm

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