Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Assigned Hearing at Hempfest

I was given a hearing Saturday at hempfest for possession of marijuana. I had less than a gram in a bag. The officer said all the cases were being dismissed as long as I showed up but I wanted to speak to a lawyer first. I am 17 years old and wanted to know whether or not my parents need to come with me to court. Additionally whether or not I need to acquire a lawyer.

Asked on 9/16/07, 8:47 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Daniel Maloney Law Offices of Daniel J. Maloney

Re: Assigned Hearing at Hempfest

It has been my experience that the hempfest charges generally get dismissed on payment of costs. However, this usually is not done on the first court date. It is always good to have a lawyer with you. Especially because the collateral consequences can be so severe.

Since you are 17, you are considered an adult and therefore your parents do not have to be with you. However, it is always a good sign to the court if your parents are involved and supportive. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 9/17/07, 2:00 pm
henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

: Assigned Hearing at Hempfest

If you are lucky, the officer's assertions is correct.

If you have questions, call me.

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Answered on 9/16/07, 8:55 pm

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