Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Car Accident

at age 17 are you responsible for hiring your own lawyer or are your parents responsible? facing serious criminal charges for a car accident. no money to pay for a lawyer. is there legal aid in these cases?

Asked on 10/13/05, 7:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Kovner Law Offices of Martha J. Kovner

Re: Car Accident

When you go to court--probation will do an intake to see if you are eligible for a court appointed attorney. If they find that you are eligible based upon the financial information that you give to them then the court will appoint you an attorney at your arraignment. If your parents do not want to hire you an attorney and you do not have the finances to pay for one yourself then the court will appoint you one. Hope that this helps! Martha Kovner

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Answered on 10/13/05, 8:53 pm

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