Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Checks forged whiled married

Can my soon to be ex husband be charged for forging my signature on $48,000.00 worth of stock checks cashed in. Also what is the tax ramification since I paid on this income but never benefited. Are there any fines for spending marital assets after court ordered cease and decist? He keeps cashing out stocks and hiding the cash. His representative attorney finds no fault in his actions

Asked on 3/31/07, 8:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

Checks forged whiled married

If the account is in your name, you are the only person authorized to act. You have to contact the stock company that issued the checks and report this.

Have you contacted the police?

You should have a stand-still order from the Probate court that bars such action. You may also have a contempt action against him.

I assume that you are represented by an attorney?

As to the benefit or taxable event, this depends on how you file your income tax returns.

This is also an issue that should be raised in any property distribution action in the probate and family court.

This is a complicated issue and you are welcome to contact me about this and your options.

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Answered on 3/31/07, 9:52 am

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