Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Countfeit checks

I was recently informed by my mortgage commpany that counterfeit checks have been used to pay down my loan. These are not my checks. They are going to be issues a warrant for my arrest. What do I need to do to prove that I didn't make payment with these checks? They have asked my boss for a hand writting sample. The writting on the checks is very close to mine. I didn't do this. How do I even start to go about proving my innocence?

Asked on 10/26/04, 8:35 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Joseph Murray Joseph M. Murray, Esq.

Re: Countfeit checks

Retain an attorney in whom you can alone confide.

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Answered on 10/26/04, 10:31 am
Barbara C. Johnson Law Office of Barbara C. Johnson

Re: Countfeit checks

Handwriting experts can always be proven wrong, but you have one BIGGGGGGG problem.

You have NOT said that YOU also sent mortgage payments to the lender for the particular months for which the payments were made by the alleged forger.

Why would someone else pay your mortgage payments or risk forging a name to pay them?

Why was the mortgagee worried about receiving money from the wrong person?

Your story is very curious, i.e., very weird.

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Answered on 10/26/04, 6:11 pm
George Davis Law Office of T. George Davis, Jr.

Re: Countfeit checks

Unfortunately, you don't provide enough information about (1) yourself, (2) the checks, or (3) how the checks happened to be applied to your account. I think you should talk to a lawyer in person about this.

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Answered on 10/26/04, 9:15 am

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