Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

hiring a lawyer

i make about 800$ a month, im in the process of selling my house which i calculated to give me 15k (my share of equity). My family wont hire me a lawyer and i really, really feel i need one. How much do they usualy cost? And how can i find one for cheap? but that is good.

Asked on 1/04/07, 1:41 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Re: hiring a lawyer

The question is what kind of case do you need a lawyer for? The type of work and time involved will play a role in the fee charged. Contact me if you want to discuss your matter further.

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Answered on 1/04/07, 2:19 pm
henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

hiring a lawyer

You are not to hire a lawyer by the cost.

You want to hire someone who can handle your case effectively and well.

If you want to discuss this, and you really should, contact me, and we can discuss this.

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Answered on 1/04/07, 6:16 pm
Martha Kovner Law Offices of Martha J. Kovner

Re: hiring a lawyer

You should hire a lawyer who is experienced in the area with which you need representation. Cost of a lawyer is something you can discuss with each potential lawyer. In most case, including me, consultations are free. Please look at my website and feel free to contact me further. Martha Kovner

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Answered on 1/04/07, 8:39 pm

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