Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Petition to withdraw guilty plea?

I was involved in a assault with

dangerous weapon & indecent a&b

against my ex boyfriend- i was

put on continuance without a finding

with a no trespass order.

He was dismissed on his assault charges while i was on continuance.

not fair in my opinion.

few months down the line i was found trespassing.

court appointed lawyer told me to plead guilty

with one years probabtion. i told him im very

hesistant and would like to go to trial.

scared me outta it saying id be facing jail time.

the commute to the court house was very hard for me.

i have no car and at the time wasnt working, was a 3 hour bus drive to get there.

asked the lawyer to transfer case to boston, was told to just plead guilty.

( this was tried at a suburban court, id feel much comfortable at an urban court.)

i felt very pressured and as if i had no other choice. what could be my reason for appeal?

the court i felt was very prejudice against me. im not guilty, my ex use to beat me up all the time.

Asked on 9/22/06, 10:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

Re: Petition to withdraw guilty plea?

You can file a motion to vacate the plea, with an affidavit. If you were under the care of a therapist, or some one else, you can documentation about your state of mind.

Coercion to take a plea is different than someone making a case why something would make sense. However, if you believe that you were unduly pressured, I would return to court.

It may benefit you to consult an attorney with experience in criminal defense. If you want to contact me, I would offer you a consultation at no cost.

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Answered on 9/22/06, 11:04 pm

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