Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

police questioning me on live-in addict boyfriends whereabouts - what can they d

Hello, my live-in fiance became drug addicted and ended on probation, He was sent to day probation and did good for a while but ended up testing dirty. In any event, during the course of his use, he ended up owing some very bad people who were incarcerated. He believed his life, if sent to jail was in danger and fled. Warrants were issued to come and do a Premise search (not belongings just house) At first they just looked, now they are continually questioning me. I made them aware of situation. This last time, the officer threated to ''tell my landlord I was not cooperating with them'' (on first visit I asked a favor for them not to arrest him at my residence so my address would not make paper saying didnt want my landlord to know. One. can they do this? they asked if I had caller id...can they tap my phone or take my computer? I am in a self help program, can they use program calls in a court against me, can I be arrested if I dont disclose - they are grilling me and trying to trip me up...the officer promised he would ''help us'' and in the same breath used my plea not to cause trouble for me with my landlord against me...I was told that they can lie to me. is that true? what can they do to me?

Asked on 5/20/05, 7:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

Re: police questioning me on live-in addict boyfriends whereabouts - what can th

If you are on probation or are concerned about your criminal risk, you should contact an attorney familiar with criminal law asap, even just for a consultation. The police can you various methods including lies to gain your cooperation. With a court order, they can tap your phone. If there is a warrant issued, they can seize property on the warrant.

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Answered on 5/20/05, 8:06 pm

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