Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

QuestIon 10 of MA Application FID card/License to Carry

Massahusetts Application For New/Renewel of a FID card or License to Carry Firearms or License to Possess Firearms Question 10 reads ''HAVE YOU EVER APPEARED IN ANY COURT AS A DEFENDENT FOR ANY CRIMINAL OFFENSE?'' Background: I was arrested in Delaware for disturbing the peace. I was fingerprinted, put in lock up, went before a judge and bail was set at $50 (it was my first business trip right out of college and a long story). On my court date I met my lawyer in the courthouse hallway before I was scheduled to appear. The charges against me were dropped. I never entered the court room. My question is: have I appeared in court as a defendent? Can I legally and truthfully say no to the above question on this LTC-A application? Your kind help is much appreciated.

Asked on 10/21/05, 4:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Kovner Law Offices of Martha J. Kovner

Re: QuestIon 10 of MA Application FID card/License to Carry

If you were arraigned before a Judge and bail was set then you did appear as a defendant for a criminal offense. If the case had been dismissed prior to the arraignment then you could say that you had not appeared as a defendant. Hope that this helps-Martha Kovner

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Answered on 10/21/05, 4:38 pm

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