Legal Question in Criminal Law in Massachusetts

Supervised Probation

My son was involved in a fight wth another boy the same age-16. Charges were filed and the other boy's family tried to sue us for the co-pay for their son's doctor's visit. However, they did not stay in court or have a bill to submit to the judge. The judge was angry at the other family for leaving court, asking for reimbursement without bills and for the circumstances under which the fight took place. She continued the case without a finding for my son.A week later we get an appointment for my son to go to probation. it was a diificult time for my husband to get to court, so he called probation office and left message with #'s where he could be reached. Prob called him at home during day when no one was home. He called 3 more times but no one returned, he took my son to meeting arriving 15 minutes early. Prob was 15 minutes late and said could not meet with him because court would close in 15 minutes. My husband was aggravated and said to send him new appointment. We received new appointment by mail 90 minutes after the appoinment time. We called to complain and she said we knew when appoinment was. Not true. Question is how do we file a motion to request the prob not be supervised? Thanks.

Asked on 6/12/06, 4:48 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Kovner Law Offices of Martha J. Kovner

Re: Supervised Probation

You would have to file a motion to revise and revoke the sentence and have it heard before the same Judge. There is a time deadline for filing that type of motion and the reason can not be just because you are having issues with the probation officer. Hope that this helps. Martha Kovner

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Answered on 6/13/06, 11:51 am

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