Legal Question in DUI Law in Massachusetts

What is the punishment for a DUI underage driver gets into a accident with someo

Hello, I would like to know the possible punishment if a driver that is 18 years old (that is drunk) that gets into a auto accident. There is also a 2nd person in the car that is 18 years old and is drunk that that breaks his hip because of the accident. What are the punishments to the driver that caused the accident? (The driver also ran away but was later caught)

Asked on 12/20/03, 5:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joseph Murray Joseph M. Murray, Esq.

Re: What is the punishment for a DUI underage driver gets into a accident with s

Read Masssachusetts General Law chapter 90 section 24.

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Answered on 12/22/03, 12:11 pm

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