Legal Question in Education Law in Massachusetts

Distance education? A Degree in Paralegal Studies?

My son wants to enroll in a two-year college that offers an Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies. This school is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

The two-year school's license and degree granting authority checks out. They are a legit school.

I know pretty much every college in the U.S. offers some form of distance education; however, I want to ask for advice from an attorney in my State.

If a person comes to you with a two-year degree in paralegal studies and says they earned it via distance education (not on campus), would you view his/her degree as valid?

Asked on 11/08/07, 3:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Tom Flynn Law Offices of Thomas V. Flynn

Re: Distance education? A Degree in Paralegal Studies?

As an attorney both in private practice and as the General Counsel for a College, the threshold question is does the College hold a regional accredidation under the CHEA's system? If they do (and you said they did!), then the College/University has met standards which establish the institution as a valid member of the U.S. higher education system. At that point the question is not whether it was a distance program or in class program - the question is the strength and reputation of the program. If it is a strong program then your son should go for it. But make sure he asks them about outcomes - where do graduates of the programs get jobs, 1 year out, 5 years out - where are grdautes working? As an Associates Degree program how easy is it to trasnfer the credits towards a Bachelors program? And how many credits will usually transfer? Who is teaching the courses - tenured professors at the College, adjuncts? All of these questions should be asked.

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Answered on 11/09/07, 10:40 am

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