Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

the agreement presently is week one mother has parenting time from friday after school through Wednesday morning when she drops our daughter off at school week 2 mother has parenting time monday after school through wednesday when she drops her off at school. All other times our child is with me (father) I truly believe that my ex has mental problems and she cannot think logically ever, I have no money so I cannot afford a lawyer. The problem is I think we should modify the agreement to be that i have our child during the school week and she has everyother weekend, simply because it is my opinion and the opinion of our childs counselor and Kindergarten teacher, that her hectic schedule during the school week has been a large contributing factor in how our child is doing in school, which is not well or else I wouldn't be bothered with trying to change the schedule to begin with. My wife and I have tried talking to my ex as has her father and step mother and the counselor and teacher, she refuses to budge and think about how this affects our daughter. Another thing is she presently lives with her father and step-mother which has caused a whole set of problems on its own (power struggle, our daughter knows this home as her grandparents house and my ex constantly fighting with them "I'm her mother I make the decisions" etc even over small things like bath time or something) not only that but its a two bedroom so my almost 6 year old sleeps in bed with her mother. I am thinking about submitting a motion to modify but want to know if it would be worth it or am I going to lose out in the end....for some reason people seem to fall for Melissas crocodile tears and the act that she puts on in front of people, she has been caught in so many lies but you can never call her out on them she can spin a story so quickly and tells people what they need to hear to get her way, she is in need of being in the spot light regardless of whether or not it is for something positive or not she thrives on it, I truly believe she is a sociopath. Please help

Asked on 2/16/10, 6:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Christopher Vaughn-Martel Charles River Law Partners, LLC

You need a lawyer. I would suggest looking into your local court's 'lawyer of the day' program. If you cannot afford a lawyer, can you afford to take physical custody of your children? You may want to speak with the child's mother and see if you can both come to some agreement.

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Answered on 2/22/10, 5:26 am

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