Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts


my divorce is final... now she wants alimony. how can i stop her from coming again and again trying to get money from me. she left me for another man and i had to pay $40,000 to her at the divorce settlement.

Asked on 6/19/07, 9:15 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Christopher Vaughn-Martel Charles River Law Partners, LLC

Re: alimony

I would need to know more information before being able to provide sound legal advice.

For example, the answer would depend on whether you and your ex-wife executed a settlement agreement, and whether this settlement agreement merged with any divorce decree.

If you have children, your ex-wife can always attempt (and the court always has the power) to modify an award of child support. Often people confuse child support payments with alimony.

If you have a settlement agreement that survived the divorce decree, then she has agreed to take a lump-sum of $40,000.00 over alimony payments over time. If that is the case, she can not now seek financial support from you except under the most dire circumstances.

For a reasonable fee, I would be happy to review your court papers, settlement agreement, and other documents and answer any questions that you might have.

[email protected]

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Answered on 6/19/07, 11:14 pm
henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

: alimony???

The short answer is no.

The court house door is open to all. It is a contest between competing desires and claims. One party can ask, the other can oppose, and the judge decides.

The rules related to such support are somewhat vague, but can be explained. If you do not have an attorney, seek some advice.

If i can be of assistance, contact me.

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Answered on 6/20/07, 12:50 am

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