Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

My boyfriend is trying to get a divorce and in the mean time his wife won't allow him to see his children if I'm around, is there anything that can be done to prevent this and let us visit with his kids together?

Asked on 3/29/11, 8:31 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Richard Kell Law Office of Richard B. Kell

This is typical behavior from spouses who feel "scorned." However, depending on where he is in the divorce process, he may want to file a motion for Temporary Orders. There will have to be a Hearing scheduled, where the judge can order a temporary visitation schedule that will enforceable by the court.

Your presence around his CHILDREN will be irrelevant unless his wife can show that it would be a real detriment to them. Your presence around his WIFE will automatically be bad for the kids if it creates a toxic environment for them; thus, the visitation will have to take place away from the wife's residence.

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Answered on 3/29/11, 8:53 am
Christopher Vaughn-Martel Charles River Law Partners, LLC

I agree that the father should file a motion for temporary orders, if possible.

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Answered on 3/29/11, 12:23 pm
Wyckoff Nissenbaum The Law Office of Wyckoff Nissenbaum

If the legal divorce process has been initiated by filing a complaint for divorce and there are no outstanding temporary orders regarding the children being with father's girlfriend, then it is within father's legal right to have his girlfriend around the children. It may be in father's strategic interest to get a temporary order from the court regarding parenting time to avoid any future custodial conflicts.

If the legal divorce process has not been initiated, then father has every legal right to have the children around the girlfriend.

Feel free to contact my office for additional information.

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Answered on 3/29/11, 8:22 pm

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