Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

My daughter is 25, emancipated since the divorce in 2005 but my divorce agreement states that we will decide where we will have her attend and if we agree we will contribute up to 1/3 towards the cost of the education of our children. She has obtained her Bachelors in Occupational Sciences and is now going into another field of learning at night to a private college which is signifcantly more expensive.

I need to know :

Should I contact her father and discuss this with him?

Because of her age, am I still obligated to continue paying for her education?

I believe I did see a statement in the Mass. Gen Laws for divorce about only contributing to an undergraduate and a statement about once they reach 25 and are emancipated.

Thank you in advance!

Asked on 1/12/10, 10:31 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

At age of 25 years old and seekign graduate school absent an agreement to the contrary your obligation to pay for your daughter's education is at an end.

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Answered on 1/17/10, 12:24 pm

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