Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

Upon getting divorced, my ex and I, agreed to a stipulation that I would provide transportation for child visitation with myself. Based solely on the fact that i was living 10 minutes from where my ex wife was living. Since, i have moved my residence to a location more than an hour away from my children. I have brought up in conversation with my ex wife, about possibly sharing equally, the driving during my childrens visitation with me. It has increased more so now that my children have begun extracurricular school activites, including those on weekends. i.e. 1 hour one way to pick up the children, occuring six times on my scheduled visitation. She is unwilling to compromise, stating that the divorce agreement states that I am responsible for transportation. I would like some advice on how i could go about revising my divorce agreement, as the 6 hours of driving every time i have visitation, is an increasing burden on myself. Thank you for any responses

Asked on 12/04/09, 3:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

This is what is called a material change of circumstances for which you can file a complaint for modification.

Call me with any questions.

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Answered on 12/10/09, 9:19 am

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