Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

do i have to file a finanical , if we both agree, work it out on paper

my husband and i share no assests. agree to divorce. no minor kids.been leagally seperated 13 yrs.can we just write an agreement without filing a financial statement.or can i go to vegas an get a divorce not file a finanical disclosure.

Asked on 3/07/06, 4:10 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Joseph Murray Joseph M. Murray, Esq.

Re: do i have to file a finanical , if we both agree, work it out on paper

As you apparently want to avoid financial disclosure at all costs, unless you file a Joint Petition for Divorce, in Massachusetts the service of a Complaint for Divorce requires certain mandatory financial disclosures between the parties and for a Court to approve a Separation agreement without first ascertaining there was full disclosure between the parties would be a rarity. But you could certainly attempt to convince the Court in an assented to motion to waive that requirement. Failing that you could withdraw or dismiss your Massachusetts action and seek another state that would have jurisdiction and less stringent financial disclosure rules. Without further research I don't know if Nevada is one of them. Good Luck!

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Answered on 3/08/06, 11:15 am

Re: do i have to file a finanical , if we both agree, work it out on paper

If you file for divorce in MA (assuming you both live here) you have to file a financial statement. The financial statement is not critical unless you think your husband is going to attempt to get alimony from you.

The financial statement is not that onerous a thing. As to Nevada, I have no knowledge of their rules and procedures

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Answered on 3/07/06, 4:42 pm
Maria Murber Law Offices of Maria Murber, PC

Re: do i have to file a finanical , if we both agree, work it out on paper

Whether you agree or not, you still have to file a complaint for divorce to begin the action. This cost 195.00, plus 5.00 for summons. Once the complaint if answered and you return the executed summons by the defendant, then you can request a hearing date and go before the judge with your joint agreement.

Question: Why would you go to Las Vegas for a divorce? Did you marry there? If so, did you live in the State of Massachusetts when you separated and if so, how long did you live in Massachusetts before you separated?

You may want to consider at least consulting with a family law attorney.

Feel free to email me if you have any further questions. Email:

Sincerely, Maria Murber

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Answered on 3/07/06, 4:42 pm

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