Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts
My husband and i are seperated and lliving apart. He is paying me less child support that the state worksheet state says i am due. He is still paying for the car that i use and is in his name. He says this justifies paying me less child support. I also have no job and have been a stay @ home mom since our oldest child was born in Feb 2006. is this holding me finacialy hostage?
3 Answers from Attorneys
You are correct. You should be receiving child support per the guidelines and alimony if applicable.
Is there a court order concerning child support. It does not sound as if there is. The guidelines have no impact on matters that are not filed in court.
If the matter has not been in court, you should consider filing.
How much less and whether there is an offset considering he is paying for the car is unclear.
Saying that you are a financial hostage is hyperbole, No one is holding you and you may have rights you have not exercised.