Legal Question in Family Law in Massachusetts

outstanding marital debts

I am a 40 year old woman with 3 children. I haven't been employed since October of 2000. I was in a serious acciedent in July 200. I am currently fighting disability. (will probably win)

I was married December 31, 1988. I am planning to divorce my husband due to his use and abuse of alcohol.

My question is, can he be ordered to pay all the outstanding marital debts? He has one bill (in his name only) for $5000 for money he borrowed without my knowledge for lawyer fees from a DUI, and he owes a large sum of money to the IRS because he is self-employed. (I didn't know of that either until I sent for a credit check document)

We lost our home to forclosure in September of 2001. He had plenty of money to help pay the mortgage but he refused because we were seperated. I am currently living in a friends basement with my 3 children and he is an active alcoholic. He also has a lengthy criminal record and I only have 1 dui on mine.

Do you think the judge may rule in my favor to make him pay outstanding bills? (They are about $15000). I will be on disability soon and he lies in court about his income. Thankyou for any advice you can give me......

Asked on 6/06/02, 8:53 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Pransky Law Office of Alan J. Pransky

Re: outstanding marital debts

The can order your husband to pay all marital debts but does not have to. There are almost twenty different factors for the court to consider in making a property or debt division. You should consult a lawyer who can discuss all of these factors with you instead of just a few.

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Answered on 6/07/02, 7:41 am

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