Legal Question in Juvenile Dependency in Massachusetts

stubborn child

Please tell me what is available in Massachusetts for help with a defiant 14 year old child.I have a child ,female,that has taxed my family for many years. We are desperate to restore peace in our home. We need some advice as to what can be done legally.

Asked on 1/01/07, 12:15 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

stubborn teenager

This is a tough age. The legal steps that are available may not be the ones that you want to take.

For instance, you open a Pandora's Box by filing a CHINS petition with the Court. This could involve the Department of Social Services, an agency that will not only deal with the child's needs, by your behavior.

If you want to contact me about your options, please do so.

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Answered on 1/01/07, 3:30 pm

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