Legal Question in Employment Law in Massachusetts

Bed sharing for work travel

Can my employer require me to share a

bed with a coworker of the same gender

while traveling for work?

Asked on 5/11/09, 7:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

J. Whitfield Larrabee J. Whitfield Larrabee

Re: Bed sharing for work travel

I have heard of room sharing, but never bed sharing. A bed sharing requirement might violate several Massachusetts and federal laws. Massachusetts privacy law, ch. 214 sec. 1B, prohibits unreasonable invasion of a person's personal privacy. This law, read in conjunction with another law, Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, might prohibit a bed sharing requirement. Depending on the circumstances, the bed sharing requirement may amount to a form of sexual harassment, sex discrimination or discrimination based on sexual preference. The requirement seems to stereotype all employees as being heterosexual. The requirement may very well violate Massachusetts anti-discrimination law, ch. 151B.

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Answered on 5/12/09, 1:13 pm

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