Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Massachusetts


My wife and I live in a condominium complex. The management company site representative has committed various acts that may be construed as harassment. Is there a legal way to force him to stay away from our unit and backyard?

Asked on 8/01/08, 10:28 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Gregory Lee Gregory P. Lee, Attorney at Law

Re: Harassment

You certainly can seek to have this particular site representative stopped from the activity. It would be best if you engaged an attorney, who could then proceed in an escalating fashion. The first step would be to advise the management company and seek to have the man removed from duties involving your complex, and more specifically in the area of your unit. If this was not agreed to, in writing, you would then have to seek relief in an appropriate court. Superior Court has jurisdiction, and the Housing Court may also have jurisdiction (I haven't checked the statute on this, so I say "may"). In this action, you would seek your damages, as well as a specific injunction regarding the individual at issue.

You would obviously have to convince the Court that the site representative is indeed going beyond his lawful duties and authority. I would have to know more about the alleged form of harassment to give an opinion about this.

Please feel free to contact me directly if I can be of further assistance.

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Answered on 8/01/08, 11:21 am
Joseph Murray Joseph M. Murray, Esq.

Re: Harassment

You should retain an attorney to whom you must provide all the Condominium associations rules and regulations and the specifics of the alleged harassment for specific advice as to whether this complex representative has exceed the limits of their authority under those regulations.

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Answered on 8/01/08, 6:58 pm
Joseph Murray Joseph M. Murray, Esq.

Re: Harassment

You should retain an attorney to whom you must provide all the Condominium associations rules and regulations and the specifics of the alleged harassment for specific advice as to whether this complex representative has exceed the limits of their authority under those regulations.

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Answered on 8/01/08, 6:58 pm

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